Enneagram Holistic Counseling
"Hemla is a very competent and compassionate expert therapist. Initially skeptical of this approach, I have gained valuable insights into my personal issues. Hemla is an active listener, respectfully probing, non-judgmental, patient, and committed to her client's progress. She has an in-depth knowledge of many methodologies and skillfully customizes them. Compared to other therapists, Hemla is very generous of her time and expertise, without making the client feel rushed (or incomplete). I highly recommend Hemla to anyone on the path of self-inquiry and improvement."
-Rajiv P.
1 hour | $220 USD
What is the Enneagram?
The Enneagram is a powerful tool for personal and collective transformation. Each Enneagram type has a different way to see, feel and think. The Enneagram helps us engage with our own inner observer, offering us insight into the 9 different styles of being in relationship with ourselves and others. It is a psychological and spiritual map of understanding the 9 different illusions we have about life.
One of the first teachers (Gurdjieff) of the Enneagram says ​:​
Human beings are asleep to what is real, and our work is to wake up.
People have an inner essence that is covered up by personality.
People are “three-brained beings;” we have three centers of intelligence: mental, emotional, and instinct. The work for us is to see through the illusion of our personality structure and develop all three centers at the same time.
​Hemla is a certified Enneagram teacher with the Narrative Tradition(TNE).​